
125 Movie Reviews

8 w/ Responses

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Stunning piece of work!

Great visuals on this piece and hilarious joke! Certainly ranks in my top ten list of toons on this site! Keep up the good work!


OH hell yeah, that was sweet. I agree, the music helped it but with such fine visuals you weren't gonna go wrong! Loved it. Smooth animation and awesome blur effects.

Impressed one hundred percent!!

Impressive work!!

Yeah, I'd have to say, that was pretty amazing! I'm not a huge fan of sprites, especially ones as close up but you manage to capture the film and that part of the story. It didn't even drag! A very good piece and I'm sure everyone can tell that you took a long time working on it!

You should be proud of this!
Good work!


I'm afraid this didn't make that much sense. Ok the bugs ate the bananas and the monkey attempts to blow them up, but he still gets one banana and you don't see the bugs getting blown up. There seems to be no ending! Blow up dem bugs or something!!

Not bad

The piece was a little short but it got out what it wanted to say. I did like it, mostly for the music (good choice) but the typical old style hazyness and the "scratch effect" on the animation is done to death.


I gave it a five, purely to motivate you to DO SOMETHING with this. I take it, its designed with Swift 3D or something similar. I liked the camera angles but I just wanted more!!


I don't usually rate very high so an 8 is exceptional, lol like it matters to you. This animation kicked ASS!!! I'm no pro by any means but that seriously played out well. The style was incredible, wasn't sure about the music but that goat can seriously run!!!

Loved it man, first thing on here I actually wanted to copy myself!! (won't of course) ;)

Nice piece of work

I thought that this piece, although very stick like (sorry not something I'm into) was well put together and animated. The two guys in the building just talking and then godzilla appears was probably my favourite piece. I have to say I lost interest about the time the tank appeared. Otherwise, I look forward to more animations. Just take your time and you could come up with something stunning!!

Made me laugh

When I first saw this, I really didn't think that much of it, but its actually quite funny, I think maybe cause it just picks random lines from both their films and combines it into one bizarre conversation! Its appealing simple animation comedy at its best! (say that five times)!

Regular Art Competition contributer. Occasional Flash animation maker. New animation coming soon!

Age 45, Male

Graphic Designer


Plymouth, UK

Joined on 1/31/04

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