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HALO 3: Disc read error, Red ring of death, hard drive problems, oh and its a game...

Posted by Cheddar79 - September 30th, 2007

So what the hell is going on with HALO 3? Please anyone if you have the same problems feel free to express your anger and disbelief at yet another thing wrong with the 360! Apparently a 'bad patch' of Halo 3 games bought by the approx. 2million games sold are causing some major problems with Xbox 360's all over the world. This could include the game skipping randomly, cutting out at any given time or just stopping all together and bringing the player back to the dashboard. Disc read errors are unusually high and in some cases the game even BRICKS the machine.

I bought this game just yesterday but have refused to play it until either a patch is released or someone has diagnosed the problem. Should we really have to go through all this just to play a video game? I'd love to hear any comments people have of personal experiences; good or bad!

HALO 3:  Disc read error, Red ring of death, hard drive problems, oh and its a game...


I hear one out of every four games has a disc read error. Return it and demand a refund.

wow that does suck. I dont have an xbox 360, so obviously i didnt get the game. But, my friend went monday night at almost 12 to pick up his reserved copy, and he hasn't had any problems like that. o.o;

Poor Bungie, they just cant get a break on their halo sequels, two had a shitty ending, and now 3 has cursed disks lol.

I know exactly what the problem is.what basically is going on is that u might leave ur xbox on alot and it "melts" some important parts away a little.this game and bioshock are having alot of problembeacasue there big games.Solution?send ur xbox in for repair, i didnt want too but it made it work again.If u really dont wanna do this you'll have to formaat your menmory and run the inital set up and it might work.im not 100% on if that will work,becasue i had alot of oblivoion and madden saves on and i didnt want to erase that stuff. but i am sure if u send it in to the xbox team it will work. i had the EXACT same problem,i sent it in and it worked like it never even had a problem.if u want to make sure its uxbox's problem,(take your hardrive out, the little thing on the side),and switch it out with someone elses' xbox.

My xbox showed the 3 rings he day after i bought halo 3, so now i have to wait until late late october to get my xbox repaired and back

If you get a red ring, try unplugging the Xbox and taking out the harddrive. I used to get the ring quite a lot of times. After I unplugged everything, then it started working again.
And in case it matters, I do have one of those coolers that you can plug into the back of the Xbox, so that might help too.

yeah when i bought mine, the disc was alredy scratched. luckily it still works.

One on every 4 discs has an error.
Return it, get a refund, and get another disc.

Ether that or you got a shitty 360

The forge is the only fun aspect of the game anyway.

The rest of multiplayer is the same old stuff, and single player is absolute shit. It's difficult to get into the story, Cortana appears in flashback form to interrupt you and say something emo every 5 minutes, and there aren't any cutscenes until the really long ass ones in the second half of the game.

I heard this on the news, they're saying that halo 3 is having a lot of bugs.

So I'm not getting halo 3 for about 30 days.

Yeah I can't imagine they would continue with this many errors without trying to fix or release an update/patch. Fingers crossed we hear something soon.

This is why you don't buy into the most overrated game series in the history of gaming.

and this is the game you people overhyped way way too much, enjoy your crap

The collectors edition, if that is what you bought.. got fucked up during shipping if thats what you have mircosoft is doing a recall on all of them and giving you guys new Cd's. I have no idea who you would talk to about this the store you bought it from is your best bet.

Wow, that sucks hard... i don't have a 360 but a lot of my freinds do and a lot of them say they've been having the same thing, id just return it and get another one.

And i agree with Back-From-Purgatory.. its a great game but Halo is waaay overrated...

yea my cuzin just went and picked up his legendary edition and it works fine (and it came wit a cool ass helmet) so like every else said already i would go and get a refund

i cant say much...except that this if anything is UNDERHYPED. yeah. ive played it.... its fucking great.

well u bought the shitty ass halo3 game disk that u probably overhyped about anyway,so therefore u deserve a broken 360 asshole !

Thanks for the constructive criticism.

well fieron, i'm sorry you are a selfish bastard who can't come to the reality that people by the halo games because they are fun and you don't like seeing people have a good time. So go back into your little cave and enjoy your non existant social life.

mines still good to go and ive played it for the last 4-5 days straight pretty much

ps3 has yet to encounter the severe system problems that the 360 suffers. too bad americans are too patriotic and thick headed to accept a foreign product as superior.

I'm not quite sure what you mean...

To John49, you know that Nintendo had dominated the market for quite some time, you know where they're from?